Sorry about that Craig.

I think there was to-and-fro going on in the spec between "imports" and
"import" and we just missed updating it to "imports" before it went out.
The directive in the JSWDK that's out there is "imports". I realized
that quite late and our tests didn't catch it because (for some reason)
they were using explicit class names.

"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:

> I have the following code in my JSP page
>     <%@ page language="java" import="java.util.Locale"
>         session="true" buffer="8kb" info="My Page Info" %>
> but the "import" tag seems to have no effect.  An import directive is
> not included in the generated Java source code, and compile errors
> result from scriptlet code like:
>     <%
>         Locale defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault();
>     %>
> Workaround is to explicitly declare the qualified name of every such
> class, but this is incredibly verbose.
> Craig McClanahan

Peace, Anil +<:-)

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