David Wall wrote:

> According to the JSP docs, all URLs need to be passed through
> Response.encodeUrl() if you will use them with sessions that are not
> controlled by cookies. Does this mean that in a JSP, all HREFs and
> FORM targets must be run through encodeUrl()?  That seems rather a
> pain to ensure everything's okay, and a good problem. For example,
> what if my JSP sends a person to a regular HTML page?  I mean, many
> pages do not really need to be JSPs, especially if they are not
> accessed frequently or there really is not dynamic content.  Then, if
> the user leaves that page to go to a JSP page, how will the URL in the
> HTML be setup for passing that session information through to the
> JSP? It seems rather odd somehow...  Or perhaps it's better to just
> require cookies if they want session behavior???? David

Yep, if you are not using cookies, then you need things like the
following in your JSP pages:

    <a href="<%= response.encodeURL("/the/page.html"> %>">The Page</a>

in order to maintain session state.

Links to static HTML pages will definitely break session continuity, if
there are links from those HTML pages back to your JSP pages or
servlets.  A couple of strategies to consider:

* Just rename your *.html pages to *.jsp and put in the
  encode logic as above.  The pages will be compiled the
  first time you access them, like any other JSP page.

* Create JSP pages that use "include" to copy in the
  text of the static HTML parts.  This works well if the
  only session-sensitive links you need are in a navigation
  bar or other element that can be done inside the JSP part.

* Use frames, again assuming the static pages don't
  have any links back to the app

* Force users to have cookies on.  This might be practical
  in an intranet setting, or a subscription-based Internet
  app, but probably not for general public access Internet apps.

Craig McClanahan

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