On Thu, 17 Jun 1999, Bill O'Keefe wrote:

> Chris,
> >> I have a question on using beans from JSP.  According to
> >> my understanding, the <usebean:> tag can be used to
> >> access a normal bean, but one has to use the JNDI API
> >> to lookup a proxy to access an Enterprise JavaBean (ejb).
> >> Thus, one has to write a block of Java code in the JSP to
> >> get access to an ejb.  Is this true, or does the <usebean:>
> >> tag also support ejbs, and if so, how?  Thanks.
> >>     -- Bill
> >
> >JSP 1.1 is supposed to have more EJB support.  However, the details are
> >sketchy.
> >
> >To make sure we're starting with a clear understanding:  EJB's have
> nothing to
> >do with regular JavaBeans (except that both happen to have the word 'bean' in
> >their names, which was probably a bad marketing choice).  If you want your
> >page to be an EJB client, then yes, you will have to follow the EJB client
> >from within your jsp page.  Which means that you will have to use JNDI to
> >locate your EJB.  This has absolutely nothing to do with the way JavaBeans
> and
> >JSP works.
> Thanks for the response.  This was pretty much the same conclusion
> I came to, but I just wanted to make sure I wasn't missing something.
> It took me a few days of spec reading to determine that the only
> real similiarity between JavaBeans and Enterprise JavaBeans is
> that they are both components, with completely different characteristics
> (one for client side app development and the other for server-side
> development).
> >Since JSP and EJB's are both part of the J2EE (Java 2 Enterprise Edition),
> >they may provide more integration in JSP 1.1.  But even if they make some
> >things invisible, I would guess that under the covers, JNDI and the rest of
> >the EJC client API would have to be followed.
> This is basically what I was asking, i.e., are there any EJB-specific
> options available with the <usebean:> tag to make things simpler for
> JSP developers who want to access EJBs.  I realize it's not rocket science
> to locate an EJB via JNDI, but it seems to me that this causes the JSP to get
> 'cluttered' with some repeated boiler-plate code that could be hidden via
> a <usebean> (or maybe <useEJB>???) tag.  Sounds like this is still TBD
> from what you're saying.
>     -- Bill
> --
> Bill O'Keefe                                     [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> Open Market, Inc.                            http://www.openmarket.com/
> One Wayside Road                                 TEL: 781.359.7296
> Burlington, MA 01803                             FAX: 781.359.8200
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Actually, couldn't you just have a servlet that looked up the EJB through
the JNDI and then called the JSP file, passing the found EJB to the JSP
file through an attribute in the Request object?

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