>From what I understand fields on my form are supposed to be loaded into my
bean automatically when my bean is instantiated, if they have the same
names. I realize that I can use 'setProperty' to load them explicitly. My
test code loaded the values into the bean automatically just once. I can't
seem to get it to do it again.

Here are snipets of both the HTML and the JSP:

                <td colspan="2">Last Name:</td>
                <td> <input LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="TEXT" VALUE=""
SIZE="36" NAME=lastName>  </td>
              <tr> <td colspan="2">First Name:</td>
                <td>  <input LANGUAGE="JavaScript" TYPE="TEXT" VALUE=""
SIZE="21" NAME=firstName> </td>

and the JSP:

<FORM TYPE=POST ACTION=customerResult2.jsp>
<body bgcolor="green">
<%@ page info="JSP proof of concept page #1" %>
<%! String firstName; %>
<%! String lastName; %>
<%! java.util.Vector phoneNumbers; %>
<jsp:useBean id="contactSummary" scope="session" class="test.ContactSummary"

<%-- Commented out
<jsp:setProperty name="contactSummary" property="firstName"
param="firstName" />
<jsp:setProperty name="contactSummary" property="lastName" param="lastName"

Things work great with the above section uncommented.
BTW, the one time it did work the way it's supposed to my bean scope was set
to 'application'.


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