Jason Hunter wrote:

> Ron Lussier wrote:
> >
> > Can anyone recommend a really good book on developing JSPs?  (I have
> > excellent Java skills, but I want a quick-start for JSPs and JSP
> > design theory.)
> Based on my experience writing the servlets book, I wouldn't expect a
> "really good book on developing JSPs" anytime soon.  Writing a good
> book takes time (Java Servlet Programming took a full year), and even
> once you're done writing it takes months to get the book printed and
> shipped to stores (servlets took 3 agonizingly long months).
> Now, since the ink is still drying on the JSP 1.0 specification
> and 1.1 is coming along soon, I really think it'll be quite some time
> until you see a *good* JSP book.  You might see some trashy ones.  I
> personally would be wary of anything that ships before the end of the
> year.
> For the record, I have decided I will *not* write a JSP book.  I
> will cover some aspects of JSP in the next Java Servlet Programming
> revision, but I won't be writing a whole new book.  I'll write
> articles, I'll teach classes, but I'll leave the arduous task of
> writing a good and complete JSP book to someone else.
> -jh-

That's too bad.  I consider your servlets book to be one of the best technical
books I have ever read.  Specifically, not only does your book have an
excellent breadth of topics and examples, but it has a depth of insight rarely
found in technical books oriented to programmers.  Whatever your next book is,
you can be sure I will by it.

How about a book about using JSP as a front end to a Jini architecture?  (It
looks to me like Jini has much more raw potential the EJB.)


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