James Cooper wrote:

> I modify inc.jsp, and then reload main.jsp in my browser.  According to
> the above, main.jsp is NOT required to be recompiled.  To force
> recompilation, I must manually touch all files that contain the include.
> Correct?

This depends on the implementation.  Some will provide for checking included
files for changes, and some won't.

This is quite analogous to the situation with pure servlets.  Almost every
servlet engine supports dynamic reloading when the servlet class itself
changes, but only some of them support automatic reloading when a non-servlet
class referenced by the servlet is changed.

The JSP 1.1 spec starts to talk about formalizing the notions of recompiling a
page on these kinds of changes ... you might want to check it out to see if it
meets your requirements.

> If correct, why is this ever desirable?  It seems to effectively render
> includes unusable since the author cannot guarantee coherency across files
> using the include.

It is perfectly acceptable in a production environment where the included
files are *not* changing.  Or when you don't want to pay the performance price
of checking for the changes.  Or when you are deploying in an environment
where there is no compiler available at all (like an embedded server).

> thanks!
> -- James


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