> > the MultipartRequest class which you can find at
> > http://www.servlets.com
> > along with a complete example of how to do, namely
> > http://www.servlets.com/jsp/examples/ch04/UploadTest.java .
> >
> > I have had some problems using this class, it seems that it in
> > some cases doesn't upload the whole file,
>You see no errors, just partial file contents?  That's odd.  If that's
>the case, it sounds like a web server bug.  What server are you using?
>Can you try things with the JSWDK and see if the files work with the
>reference implementation?

I've tried with both PWS (Microsoft Personal Web Server) and JRun's built-in
webserver. Both of them create the bug.

I don't see any error message(s), just partial file contents. Actually not
even that. The files get corrupted and aren't able to open. Is there perhaps
a limit in what types of files that can be submitted this way? Is only text
files allowed? I've got the error when trying with ZIP's, JPEG's, EXE's -
but not always (=hard to find the error :-(  ).

I'll try using the JSWDK and see what happens.


     / Magnus

|  The worst thing is not to get an offer I can't refuse.  |
|  The worst thing is if I get an object I can't reuse!    |

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