
how about some more detail.

What scope do your beans have in the JSP page? Is it session?

How are the beans added to/created in that scope?

What do you mean by "one bean seems to share data across the different

"In Apache/mod_JServ/GNU JSP if you are calling a beans set methods you
must ensure that you use lower case lettering for the method name (after
the get bit) e.g. <a href="myPage.jsp?level=0">hello</a> where the beans
method is actually called setLevel - also it appears that you can only use
one upper case letter in the bean's method name e.g. setThecustomersnameis
as opposed to setTheCustomersNameIs."

bean properties map to methods as per the beaninfo or the beans spec. The
beans spec says that a method called getLevel() implies reading a property
called level. If the method is getCustomerIsAPerson() then the property
name is customerIsAPerson. Your last statment goes against my knowledge.

dIon Gillard, Multitask Consulting

----- Forwarded by dIon Gillard/Multitask Consulting/AU on 04/08/99 11:34
AM -----

I'm still tring to find out how to have multiple browsers viewing a JSP /
HTML pages which access beans (which do the real database work).

At the moment if I use two browsers (IE / Netscape) or if I use browsers
seperate computers the one bean seems to share data accross the different

I do notice, however, that I get unique cookies from the WWW server
JSP.  (Im using Apache 1.3.6 with mod_JSERV and GNU JSP on an NT

Do I need to use the getSession(true) method of the HttpServletRequest
request in the JSP bean? This would be difficult - how do you provide
methods for the JSP page to access this session object outside of the
processRequest method?.  I dont think this is the correct fix for my

The funniest thing is that the example named "" which comes
with Sun's jsp1.0 kit dos'nt have any of these complications - surely it
must suffer the same problems?

It is not a problem with the Apache set-up.  I had the same difficulty
[previously] running the cut-down development
WWW server.

At this stage I'm tring to produce an ECommerce solution based on JSP. All
has gone well bar this weird stuff.

Any help would be greatly appreciated,

Derek Conniffe

p.s. How about another weird problem which kept me staring at the screen
an hour or so:

In Apache/mod_JServ/GNU JSP if you are calling a beans set methods you
ensure that you use lower case lettering for the method name (after the
bit) e.g. <a href="myPage.jsp?level=0">hello</a> where the beans method is
actually called setLevel - also it appears that you can only use one upper
case letter in the bean's method name e.g. setThecustomersnameis as
to setTheCustomersNameIs.

Is'nt the above very strange?

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