I want to use a multipart form to transfer some files for the client to my server (just as all free mail services use to do for the attachements). The request is handeled by a jar archive, which adds the abitlity to understand the multipart request. This archive was posted on this list maybe 2 months ago, but sorry, I don't remember by whom or in which thread. It's named cos.jar and comes from an O'Reilly book.
As I'm testing this system, I happen to have a weird behavior. When I transfer a file larger than 50 Kb, the file received is larger from +/- 150 bytes (the size of the extra bytes differs each time, and I can see any logical following). Smaller than 50 Kb, the file is valid.
As I looked into the source, I didn't see any special limit to the attachement for this size (there is one, but it limits the size at 1 Mb).
I use JRun and IIS. I'd like to know either if someone has used this archive (btw, I could send it if someone is interested) and had the same problem, or if there could be a logical source for this problem. Could it be a limitation in the size of the requests form JRun, IIS, or the connector ?
I also would like to know if somebody has an equivalent archive that enables to use the multipart requests, or knows where I could find one.

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