One issue that keeps coming up is the combination of java code and HTML being
put in the same
place, i..e., the JSP page.

What techniques are people using to limit the amount of java within a JSP.

I realize that the use of the Bean can do just that; allowing the use of
That is clear.

What are other techniques that are being used to help the JSP developer not
worry about the back end.   Are Beans being designed in a particular way to
make it easier for the JSP developer. It seems they could be and i'm wondering
about any good rules of thumb, etc.

Looping thru a vector of objects and then hashtables of stuff within each
object, and having to turn it all into strings and pump it all thru html etc.
can require a lot of java withing a JSP page. This is what i'd like to prevent
if possible. What are other people doing here?

We do Swing development and very little Web development right now and it seems
to me that our Beans could/should be designed a bit differently if we were to
use JSP, for instance, having all the getters return strings (to keep the JSP
developer from having to convert everything to strings before displaying them
on a web page, hence, cutting down on java code in the JSP)

I hope this is somewhat clear...


Craig McClanahan wrote:

> Several people have asked questions about writing internationalized apps
> with JSP.  Having just done so (only with Western European languages so
> far), I have learned some things that may be interesting to others in
> the same situation.  The basic components of my approach were as
> follows:
> (1) All internationalized strings are stored in resource bundles
> I used property resource files named (the default
> translation, which was English), and (where "xx"
> is the ISO code of the language), following the ResourceBundle naming
> conventions.  I heavily used the parameter replacement features like {0}
> to synthesize internationalized messages that contained elements that
> originated in the database.
> (2) Accessing the resource bundles from the web application
> I created a JavaBean called  "BundleBean" that had a series of methods
> with calling sequences like this:
>     String message = bundleBean.getMessage(locale, "label.username");
> and it looked in the correct resource bundle for the language of this
> locale.  The bundle bean is stored in the application context in a
> startup servlet, by calling:
>     getServletContext().setAttribute("bundleBean", bundleBean);
> to make it available to both servlets and JSP pages.
> (3) Internationalize the business logic
> We had to deal with things like the fact that many European cities have
> different names in different languages, so our business object for a
> city has two different property getters for the name:
>     String getName() returns the name in the language of the default
> Locale
>     String getName(Locale locale) returns the name in the language of
> the
>         specified Locale, if it is different, or in the "canonical"
> language.
> (4) Store a Locale object for the user's preferrred language in the
> user's session
> When a user logs on, one of the things we know is their preferred
> language (they can switch later, if they want).  To record that
> knowledge, we store a java.util.Locale instance based on that language
> in the session object, under key "localeBean".  If the user exercizes
> the option to change languages, we just update the locale and the next
> page display is auto-magically done in the newly chosen language.
> (5) Separate business logic and presentation logic
> I'm a big beliver in this separation, and it paid off in this
> application.  All my form submits go to a processing servlet (in the
> real app, it's actually an action procedure called by a single servlet)
> that does the appropriate business logic, which is mostly independent of
> language choice, then stores appropriate beans in the session or
> request, and forwards to an appropriate JSP page to display the next
> result, using RequestDispatcher.forward().
> (6) A simplified internationalized login page using the above features,
> then, looks something like this:
>     <%@ page language="java" buffer="8kb" session="true" %>
>     <jsp:useBean id="attemptBean" scope="request"
>      class="com.mycompany.AttemptBean" />
>     <%-- Contains username and password from previous attempt, if any
> --%>
>     <jsp:useBean id="bundleBean" scope="application"
>      imports="java.util.Locale"
>      class="com.mycompany.BundleBean" />
>     <%
>     Locale localeBean = (Locale) session.getValue("localeBean");
>     if (localeBean == null) {
>         localeBean = Locale.getDefault();
>         session.putValue("localeBean", localeBean);
>     }
>     %>
>     <head>
>     <title>Logon Page</title>
>     </head>
>     <body>
>     <form action="/logon">    // Logon processing servlet
>     <table border=0>
>         <tr>
>             <th align=right>
>               <%= bundleBean.getMessage(localeBean, "label.username") %>
>             </th>
>             <td>
>               <input type="text" name="username"
>                value="<%= attemptBean.getUsername() %>">
>             </td>
>         </tr>
>         <tr>
>             <th align=right>
>               <%= bundleBean.getMessage(localeBean, "label.password") %>
>             </th>
>             <td>
>               <input type="password" name="password"
>                value="<%= attemptBean.getPassword() %>">
>             </td>
>         </tr>
>         <tr>
>             <td>&nbsp;</td>
>             <td>
>               <input type="submit" value="<%=
> bundleBean.getMessage(localeBean, "button.LogOn") %>">
>               <input type="reset" value="<%=
> bundleBean.getMessage(localeBean, "button.Reset") %>">
>             </td>
>         </tr>
>     </table>
>     </form>
>     </body>
> NOTE:  In pages other than the login page, I use the presence or absence
> of a Locale in the session as an indicator that the session has expired,
> and forward control to the login page if it's missing.  The logic looks
> like this:
>     <%
>     Locale localeBean = (Locale) session.getValue("localeBean");
>     if (localeBean == null) {
>     %>
>         <jsp:forward page="/login.jsp" />
>     <% } %>
> (7) Processing servlets make decisions on where to go next
> The servlet accessed by "/logon" does the following pseudocode (no
> internationalization needed):
> * Extract the username/password passed in the request
> * Create an AttemptBean to store these values, and stash
>   it in the request (used to redisplay the previous input if
>   there is an error)
> * Validate the user.  If it fails, stash a bean that causes an
>   error message to be displayed (logic not shown in the JSP
>   page above), and forward to "/logon.jsp" (the page above).
> * If validation is successful, create a Locale object with this
>   user's desired language, and stash it in the session.  Then,
>   forward to "/welcome.go" (see below for what ".go" means).
> (8) Dealing with pages that really need to be written separately
> About 95% of the JSP pages in this app could be made multilingual with
> only the need to look up message strings, as described above.  However,
> the welcome screen that is displayed after login is an example where the
> Marketing group really wants to write custom pages in each language.  We
> established a naming convention similar to that for resource bundles,
> creating pages named:
>     /welcome_en.jsp (English)
>     /welcome_fr.jsp (French)
>     ... and so on ...
> I could have made the caller (such as the login servlet above) calculate
> the name of the page to go to every time, but this logic would be
> duplicated everywhere, and need to be updated every time we added a new
> language.
> Instead, I created a clever (IMHO :-) little servlet called GoToServlet,
> and mapped it to the ".go" filename extension.  It does this:
> * Extracts the base name passed to this call.  If the login
>   servlet forwards to "/welcome.go" as above, the base name
>   (from getPathInfo(), minus the suffix) is "/welcome".
> * Extracts the users's locale bean from the session, and gets
>   the language suffix.
> * To the base name, append an underscore, the language code,
>   and ".jsp" to get the derived name.
> * Forwards to that JSP page.
> This gave me the ability to very quickly forward, or create a hyperlink
> to, a page that was really presented in separate languages with no muss
> or fuss on the caller's part.
> None of these ideas are earth shattering, but the combination of
> Java/Servlets/JSP makes a very powerful platform for building
> internationalized apps.
> Craig McClanahan
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