Another possibility (which I haven't yet tried, but anyway...): make one
java bean or class to work with the database, then create subclasses which
extend these "pure data" functionalities (or limited non-HTML formatting)
with whatever HTML formatting is appropriate.  You'd simply write a new
subclass if you wanted to alter the presentation, while keeping the same
fundamental algorithms.
-Chris Brown

-----Message d'origine-----
De:     Dmitri Namiot [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Date:   samedi 14 août 1999 21:34
Objet:  Subject: RE: JSP Techniques for limiting java within   the JSP (tms)

you can use some XML/XSL stuff. So your beans will generate
only XML things, and how to render that can be described

Anyway from the main point of view saving long java programms
in "html" pages in not a good deal.

>My doubts:
>  1) To avoid writing any HTML code inside java bean,
>  one will send results in form of Vector,Strings and
>  then it will be used inside JSP to present into HTML
>  format. This may be a complicated table too. Whether
>  this will have effect on performance ? Also, Since

ColdJava: java server side programming

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