Title: asp vs. jsp (not benchmarks)

ASP apparently has problems storing objects in session.  You can do it, but apparently it ties your session down to a single thread for some reason.  Not sure entirely why this is the case (tho I'm sure someone explained it to me at some point), but I was wondering if JSP has a similar problem?  I would think this would be implementation dependent, but I'm not conversant enough with either architecture to have any confidence in my own assumptions. :)  Can anyone give insight here?

Also, has anyone used the BEA Weblogic Cluster (in the June issue of JDJ)?  Does it perform well?  Does it handle clustering over a web farm fairly transparently?  I'm running NT for now (and possibly Linux in the future).  That choice of platform implies multiple servers for scaling, but if I can't manage clustering the whole thing breaks down.



Michael McElligott
DevTeam - StreetFusion(tm)
c-call.com, Inc.
60 Spear Street, 3rd Floor
San Francisco, CA  94105
Phone:  415-365-4136

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