
You can show the result in an excel file with tab delemited format.  Change
the content type to excel, Use the following syntax:


Everything else will be same.  I tested the same, and working perfect.

Chandrasekhar Naidu
Sr. Software Engineer,
Oasys Technologies
Bangalore, India.

>From: "Imam, Asim, CFCTR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Reply-To: "Imam, Asim, CFCTR" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: Need Help Implementing...!!
>Date: Mon, 23 Aug 1999 12:16:33 -0400
> > Hi,
> >
> > I need some guidance....
> >
> > I am building a very simple web based query tool which can return
> > of rows...but I dont want to send hundreds of rows to clients...I want
> > implement something like what the search engines do to break the results
> > in (10's 20's or based on user selection)  per page. How would I do this
> > using jsp/servlets? Also  is it possible to output/generate the results
> > into an Excel file and send it to the user??? if not excel, just a
> > delimited text file??
> >
> > Tx,
> > Asim Imam
> > Application Developer
> > @AT&T Tax Systems Group
> >
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