hi philippe, et al -

        included are some quick responses. i'm going to cross-post
        my response to:

                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

        as i feel others may have similiar questions/concerns.

        hope this helps,

- james

Philippe Mathieu wrote:
> Ooops, once again it has been changed,
> Unfortunately now, i really have many difficulties to
> understand !!
> Thus i have few questions :
> - Is jsdk out-dated ?

jswdk contains:

        servlet 2.1 reference implementation
        jsp 1.0 reference implementation
        http server

and will continue to do so for the forseeable future.
jsdk constains servlet specific information and is not
likely to be rev'd.

you should track the jswdk for the latest/greatest information
pertaining to servlets and jsp's. jswdk can be downloaded from:


                - or -


                - and -

        following the "download jswdk 1.0 reference implementation"
        links accordingly

> - Is startServer able to serve
>         html pages ?
>         jsp pages ?
>         servlet pages ?


> - could ou give in the readme file 3 url (for each case) to
> test ?

html examples:


jsp examples:


servlet examples:


>   for servlets
> - In which directory  must i put each kind of page ?

html content with which you wish to provide as serveable
content must reside within any web application context but
not within the WEB-INF directory within said context.

a server can have one or more web application contexts. with
jswdk, the "webpages" context is the default web app where as
the "examples" context is an example of another web application.
each of these contexts share the same internal (directory)
structure and associated rules.

jsp content can reside anywhere html content can reside.

html and jsp content are viewable via standard http request uri's.

compiled servlets are to be installed within the WEB-INF/servlets
directory within any one or more web application contexts and
are executed via urls such as the following:


                CONTEXT-MAP reprents the web application path
                SERVLET represents the servlet reference

        note: with servlet 2.2 compliant implementation there
                are more request uri to servlet/jsp mappings

> - Is it possible to change the root directory of the server
> (and how) ?

within the webserver.xml config file the docBase element of the
Service element by default specifies "webpages" as the default
document root for the service. this can be changed as appropriate
and need not necessarily be relative to the jswdk install (eg
file://localhost/foo/bar) or need not necessarily reside on the
local file system (eg http://foo.bar/bop).

> - Is it possible to serve on another port than 8080 (and
> how) ?

yep, although this feature is not necessarily thoroughly tested.
please give this a whirl and if you experience problems post back
to [EMAIL PROTECTED] with some detailed notes and we'll see
if we can get this resolved. from my preliminary tests this appears
to be functional.

the idea is that any Service as defined in the webserver.xml
configuration file has must have one and only one associated
port number with which it will listen on and respond to inbound
request uri's. for all peer services hosted within a WebServer
(as specified by webserver.xml) the cummulative set of port
numbers must be unique (ie port values are not shareable amongst

> - What must really be in the classpath ?
>   you discuss only on tools.jar but what about
>   webserver.jar, servlet.jar etc ...

the only CLASSPATH info required outside the scope of jswdk

        for jdk 1.2.x -> tools.jar
        for jdk 1.1.x -> classes.zip

all other CLASSPATH information should be resolved with by
the startserver wrapper.

> PS:
> - In the documentation given with jswdk you always speak
>   about servletrunner which is not in the package.

are you refereing to jswdk documentation? if so, can you
provide me with the file names which refere to servletrunner?

with jswdk you start the server by:

        % startserver

and stop the server by:

        % stopserver

there are no other external hooks to the jswdk engine at this

> - On javasoft.com we can always have jsdk and jsp but
> nowhere
>   it is said what is the difference with jswdk !

i believe i answered this one above.

> - put a FAQ like this one in the package


note: this is just a start and while it may not necessarily
be complete we do intend to "grow it" accordingly and welcome
your contributions/suggestions/etc.

> Thanks for your help

nada problem.

> --
> PM

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