>3. Server side scripting seems very difficult to bring under Configuration
>Management/ Version Control. I really hope I am wrong. I find there is ease
>in building applications but is it also easy to maintain? Are these being
>used for Serious development- whatever that might mean? I expect to get a
>lot of hate mail on this.

I think you will find that the answer to this question depends upon
what kind of team you have working on your site/application, as well
as how you are architecting your JSPs.

For instance, if most of the code resides in beans, and you're mostly
just getting and setting properties on the JSP pages themselves, you
might be okay with just putting the bean code under source code

This might be particularly attractive if your team is large enough
that there's one group of developers working on the bean code, and a
second group of developers working on the JSP pages. If that second
group of developers comes from more of an HTML background than a
programming background, they might be resistant to source code

On the other hand, in the group I work in, our team is set up like
this and we have managed to convince everyone that both sets of files
should be under revision control. To answer your second question,
then, yes, JSPs are being used for serious development.

Finally, if there's a lot of Java source code written into the JSP
pages themselves, I suspect you will have no choice but to put
everything under revision control if code maintenance is an important

As always, YMMV. What are other folks doing?

- Mark A. Kolb                          Staff Engineer
   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                 Tivoli Systems Inc.
   http://www.cross-site.com            (512) 436-1955

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