This is a weekly informative posting to the jsp-interest list.


Before asking questions of a general nature, please check out the
resources available online to see if your question already has an
answer. The best place to start is our web site:

This contains pointers to the specification, and to the JavaServer Web
Development Kit (JSWDK).

Some FAQs that may help you

JSWDK is the reference implementation for the latest JSP and Servlet
specs. You can download JSWDK at Please send
your feedback and bug reports on JSWDK to [EMAIL PROTECTED]


A few notes about the use of this list. We at Sun enjoy hosting this
list to give everyone a forum to discuss JSP, servlets and related
technology. There are a few things that we ask of you, the list

        Please don't engage in advertising. We like to hear when new
        products are announced and a link for all the
        information. What we don't like are lengthy press releases,
        advertisements, and other material which falls under the
        umbrella term "marketing". There is no problem in stating how
        your product compares to another, but remember, this isn't run
        by Sun to be an advertising forum -- but as a technical forum.

        Please don't post attachments to the list. The use of VCards
        and S/MIME is not really needed on a list like this and is
        annoying to some whose readers don't support them. More
        serious is the posting of .zip files and other larger
        items. You might get flamed a little bit for S/MIME or posting
        in HTML. You will be removed from the list for posting a .zip
        or other archive file.

        If you need technical support from a vendor, please contact
        that vendor directly.


Now, back to regularly scheduled programming.

Anil Vijendran
for the JSP/JSWDK team

To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff JSP-INTEREST".
FAQs on JSP can be found at:

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