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"Craig R. McClanahan" wrote:

> Brien Voorhees wrote:
> >     I just recently subscribed to this list and have already found several
> > of your posts to be useful.  Thanks for spreading the knowledge, Craig. :)
> >
> No problem ... I enjoy it.
> >
> >   I've always liked separating presentation logic and will likely use a
> > JSP-Presentation/Servlet-Logic approach as you suggest.  One aspect that
> > seems like it will be a hassle is preventing a user access to restricted
> > areas of the website.  It looks like, for one request, I'll need to verify
> > that the user making the request is valid in both the servlet and the
> > JSP(since even jsp's meant to be called only from servlets can be typed in
> > as a URL) .  Has this been your experience?  I can derive my servlets from
> > some sort of ProtectedServlet base class to handle most of the checking
> > logic but it still seems like a pain.  I hate to force all my JSP's to have
> > user-checking java code embedded in them since the goal is that a
> > non-programmer web designer can create all the presentation files.
> >
> Yah, with current generation stuff this is an issue.  I've solved it by
> requiring the existence of a particular user object in the session, like this:
> In each JSP page, I have this snippet somewhere at the top:
>     <%
>        LoginBean loginBean = (LoginBean) session.getValue("loginBean");
>         if (loginBean == null) { %>
>             <jsp:forward page="/loginForm.jsp" />
>     <% } %>
> and the equivalent code in my servlet (I found it convenient to use a single
> servlet for the app that dispatched to appropriate action procedure based on
> the requested URL):
>     HttpSession session = request.getSession();
>     LoginBean loginBean = (LoginBean) session.getValue("loginBean");
>     if (loginBean == null) {
>         RequestDispatcher rd =
>           getServletContxt().getRequestDispatcher("/loginForm.jsp");
>         rd.forward(request, response);
>         return;
>     }
> This way, if the user has never logged on or if their old session timed out
> (and a new one got created), or they try to jump into the middle of the app,
> the LoginBean object that I put there on a successful login will be missing.
> Therefore, I direct them to my username/password form.
> >
> >   Would taglibs help?  I haven't found much documentation on taglibs so far.
> >
> The only taglib docs are in the JSP 1.1 spec, and they aren't very helpful to
> tag developers.  I would look more at some of the example tags, to start
> getting a feel for the kinds of things that will become possible.  I expect to
> see a lot of innovation here, once people start grasping the concepts.
> You could certainly create a custom tag to embed the login check at the top of
> the JSP pages more cleanly.  However, the servlet API 2.2 also includes new
> methods on the request (getUserPrincipal and isUserInRole) that allows you to
> let the servlet container manage logins for you, just like web servers create
> password-protected subsets of their URL space.  I'm looking forward to
> migrating my apps to this as soon as I can have a server that supports 2.2.
> That wait should not be too long, since Sun is contributing the source code for
> the JSWDK to the Jakarta project (, as was announced
> at JavaOne, and the actual contribution should happen real soon now.  One of
> the first things I plan to contribute to the project is some code to manage a
> little user database, so that you can build apps based on JSWDK that take
> advantage of these new features.
> It will be *so* nice to never write another login page again.
> Good luck!
> >
> > Brien Voorhees
> >
> Craig
> >
> > ----- Original Message -----
> > From: Craig R. McClanahan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > Sent: Tuesday, September 21, 1999 3:59 PM
> > Subject: Re: Using JSP and Servlets.
> >
> > > This is exactly how I write my JSP-based applications.
> > >
> > > Basically, any form in my app is submitted to a servlet, which does
> > whatever functional logic
> > > is required, assembles the results into beans, stashes them in the request
> > or session
> > > (depending on how long the information needs to last), and forwards
> > control to the JSP page.
> > > Thus, my servlet might have some code like this:
> > >
> > >     MyBean myBean = new MyBean(....);    // Set up a bean with the answers
> > >     request.setAttribute("myBean", myBean);
> > >     RequestDispatcher rd =
> > getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher("/nextpage.jsp");
> > >     rd.forward(request, response);
> > >     return;
> > >
> > > In the JSP page named "nextpage.jsp", all I have to do to access this bean
> > is declare it:
> > >
> > >     <jsp:useBean id="myBean" scope="request" class="MyBean" />
> > >
> > >
> > > Craig McClanahan

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