Dear JSP Community,

I have the following problem under the SUN reference implementation
I tried to forward a request from a servlet to a JSP page using

rd.forward(request, response),

where rd is the request dispatcher:

RequestDispatcher rd =

sc is my servlet context:

ServletContext sc = getServletContext();

/htmlgeos is mapped to my application root directory using the
configuration in 'webserver.xml':

<WebServer id="webServer">
    <Service id="service0">
        <WebApplication id="htmlgeos" mapping="/htmlgeos"

Apparently the request dispatcher doesn't take care of the /htmlgeos
It looks for AdminClient.jsp in the server's install path instead:

real path of /htmlgeos/AdminClient.jsp:
[which I found out using sc.getRealPath("/htmlgeos/AdminClient.jsp") ]

Putting AdminClient.jsp in the above mentioned directory works fine. But of
 course this is not what I want.

(Invoking /htmlgeos/AdminClient.jsp by typing in its URL in a browser
window works, too. It also works if
I use it as a target of a POST operation in an HTML form.)

Question: is this a bug or am I doing something wrong?


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