Hi All,

I have a weird problem with JRun 2.3.3 build 153 running on WINNT 4

I have a LoginBean(scope="session") that implements the
HttpSessionBindingListener. For some reason it gets bounded to the session(I
used system.out's to trace it) and immediately gets unbounded and then gets
bounded again whereas throughout my code I only put this bean in session
ONCE when I login. Here's the system.out's from stdout.log.

DBManager Constructor Invoked
LoginBean: Constructor Invoked
I just got Bounded
Loading JDBC driver oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver

Connecting to jdbc:oracle:thin:@taxl:1526:d1,user
I just got UN-Bounded
I just got Bounded

Here's the JSP Code:

<jsp:useBean id="login" scope="session" class="coi.LoginBean" />
<jsp:setProperty name="login" property="*" />

        if (login.getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("Connected")) {
                session.putValue("login",login); %>
                <jsp:forward page="tax_sotp_search.jsp" />
<%      }
        else {
        <blink><h2> Ooops!!!!! </h2></blink>
        <%=     login.getStatus()%>
        <a href="/coi/default.htm">Try Again </a>
<%      }       %>

and heres the snippet of the LoginBean.java

        public void Login() {
                if (dbm==null){
                        dbm = new DBManager();
                if (!getStatus().equalsIgnoreCase("Connected")){
                        status = dbm.connect(username,password,dbInstance);
                        System.out.println("Already Connected");

        public void valueBound(HttpSessionBindingEvent event){
                System.out.println("I just got Bounded ");

        public void valueUnbound(HttpSessionBindingEvent event){
                System.out.println("I just got UN-Bounded ");
                if (dbm!=null){
                status = "Not Connected";


Oh yea the important things:

I have the following session tracking options:
Max Sessions:1024
Invalidation Time:1800000 ms
Invalidation Interval:10000 ms

Any suggestions??? Greatly appreciate any help


Asim Imam
Application Developer
@AT&T Tax Systems Group

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