>Iam using NAB 4.0 . Iam having a onChange="validate" for a text item, where
>validate is a java script function.
>within validate I need to read a few columns from the database and show
>results.I need to use jsp tag <% %> within java script to achieve this.
>With java web server Iwas able to do this. With nas Iam not able to do this.
>Nas just ignores the jsp tag within java script.Is my conclusion true.
>Does any one has any work around for this problem.

This will not work with any Web server. The JSP is server-side, and gets run
when the page is requested. The JavaScript is client-side, and gets run whenever
the function is called (for instance, when the user changes the drop-down list
box selection). Hence the JSP inside your JavaScript will not get called with a
subsequent call to the function. The solution? You must refresh the page to
accomplish what you are asking. Otherwise, you will need to pull in all of the
information from the database first time around (such as into a JavaScript
array) and read from that inside your JavaScript.

Eric M. Andersen
I/T Specialist
IBM Global Services
Tel: (781) 895-2637,   Fax : (781) 895-2843, t/line : 362-2637
Lotus Notes ID: Eric M Andersen/Waltham/IBM

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