----- Original Message -----
From: Dmitri Namiot <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, October 26, 1999 5:43 PM
Subject: Re: when to use Bean !!!

> looks like very logical and clear model, but see:
> you submit your forms to servelt. (I also like
> one servlet per application, just more easy to
> maintain). So your logic (application logic) is
> supported by servlet. What in that case the added
> value from JSP-beans to web-application ?

The benefit is that you (almost) never have to generate HTML from your java
code.  Debugging stuff like this is a real pain :
    out.println("Hello, <B>"+user.getName()+"</B>");
    out.println("<A HREF=\"+foo.url+"\">Click here</a>");
What happens when you want to change the look/style of your site?  Do you
want to go in and edit all those print statements in order to edit the HTML?
With JSP pages, all of the HTML is easily editable by your HTML designers.
You definitely don't want your HTML designers editing your servlet .java

> Yes, we have some business rules implementation,
> localized within some java classes. But we can use these
> classes from servlet. I am feeling myself some trouble
> to split beans/servlets during own "jsp-projects" for the
> clients. Looks like in the most cases it is still "servlet-
> projects" because any attempt to add some dynamic/behavior
> to your JSP pages directly means java-coding within the page
> what is not a good.

    You'll probably still have a little java code in your JSP pages but
eliminating 90% of the javacode from your HTML pages and 90% of your HTML
from your java files is a real benefit.  Sure it would be nice to eliminate
100%, but it's still a worthwhile separation.

Brien Voorhees

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