"Hu, Jeffery X (Jeff)" wrote:

> Enumeration e = request.getHeaderNames()
> while (e.hasMoreElements())
> {
>         String KeyValue = (String) e.nextElement();
>       if (KeyValue.equals("Accept-Language")
>         // e.getHeader(KeyValue) is the locale, ie, en-us
> }

This suggestion looks in the right place, but there are some possible
complexities you need to be aware of:

* The "Accept-Language" header may not be present.  In fact,
  HTTP/1.1 says it MUST NOT be included if the user hasn't
  configured their own preferences (in Netscape, for example,
  Edit -> Preferences -> Navigator -> Languages).

* The country suffix is not always present -- for example, my
  preference is set to "en" not "en-US" because I'm comfortable
  with any variant of English (I even know how to spell
  "colour" :-).  My setting won't help you decide which way
  to display dates and times, though, which is something
  that Locales are often used for.

* There can be more than one language preference specified,
  separated by commas.

* Each language preference can be optionally suffixed by a
  "quality" value that weights the user's preference for that
  language.  The example in the HTTP/1.1 spec looks like:

    Accept-Language: da, en-gb;q=0.8; en;q=0.7

  which says Danish is preferred, but if not possible then use
  British English, then any variant of English.

Craig McClanahan

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ian Holsman [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Wednesday, October 27, 1999 1:19 PM
> Subject: Getting the Locale from the Browser
> hi.
> I would like to get the locale of the user's browser in order to do
> language specific stuff.
> how do I do this ???
> Thanks
> Ian.
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