JWSDK 1.0, despite its "Select-a-platform" download option, is entirely pure
Java--I'm running it right now on my RH 5.2 box. It supports API 2.1 and JSP
1.0. Download it directly from Sun, and just move it on over to your Linux
box--the only thing that might require adjustment are the shell scripts, but
I doubt it. The ones that came with the download worked fine for me.

Ted Neward
CTO, WebRaiser ( http://www.webraiser.com )
Java Instructor, DevelopMentor ( http://www.develop.com )
Patterns/C++/Java/CORBA/EJB/COM-DCOM spoken here

-----Original Message-----
From: Benjamin Lorenz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Sunday, October 31, 1999 8:54 AM
Subject: Linux & Servlet API 2.1

>Hello all,
>just a short question: since some days I follow the discussions
>on this list with great interest -- but right now, I am a bit
>frustrated: I wanted to code a little bit, taking examples mailed to
>this list (thanks, Craig! :-), when I realized that some of the code
>was using the Servlet API 2.1 (ServletContext.getRequestDispatcher()
>for example).
>I am using a Linux box, running Apache 1.3.9 / Jserv 1.0 / GNUjsp 1.0.0
>-- a combination which seems to only support API 2.0...
>After browsing around for some time, I was not able to find some
>other product which does support API 2.1 under Linux.
>Am I right? Hope not...
>Thanks for help,
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