Hi Sachin,

>Hi Guys,
>        Let me know what do i have to do get rid of this error.I think that
>i would have to add this Format.class to the classpath.Can you let me know
>if i'm right, if so do i have to restart the web server.
>I guess the folder in which i need to add the Format.class file is
>kingbo_java as per the existing classpath.If i donot wish to add a new
>folder to the classpath.

If the Format class changes often, put it in a directory and
add that to the classpathes like the jdbcbeans example in the INSTALL.apache.
If it does not change or you accept a server restart on changes put
it in wrapper.classpath.
If its in a jar file use the absolute path of the jar file instead of
the directory.

>Error compiling source file: file:/home/users/sachin/public_html/Hi.jsp
>builtin-javac -classpath
>e/kingbo_java/utils/xslp.jar -d
>/usr/share/kingbo_java/tmp -deprecation -encoding 8859_1
>/usr/share/kingbo_java/tmp/jsp___7esachin__Hi_2ejsp.java:7: Class Format not
>found in import.
>import Format;
>       ^
>1 error
>Thanking you guys in anticipation.
>Have a nice day.
>With regards,
>Sachin S. Khanna.


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