Ian Holt wrote:

> Thanks Daniel,
> I will try this approach. The reason for not putting things in the session
> is that the system we are developing will probably have close to 2000 users
> for the pilot, all permanently logged on during the working day. Each users
> session object will get too big

How big is too big?  Even if each user needed, say, 10kb for this kind of stuff at
any point in time, you are only talking about 200 megabytes or so -- not a huge
amount at today's memory prices.  If it's more than that, I don't think sending it
out and back as hidden fields is going to turn out to be very practical anyway.

> so all data to be passed over mutliple
> requests will be encoded in XML on the HTML pages in hidden fields to be
> passed to each servlet that needs to know as post parameters, which then
> parse the XML.

I hope you're running this on a high speed Intranet -- the bytes it will take to
send this stuff back and forth can really add up.

You also need to think about the compute time implications of parsing the XML data
over and over again versus parsing it once and storing it in the session.

> I take it there is no way of passing a request object to individual frames
> of a frameset page?

The architectural issue is that there is no single request for all of the frames in
a frameset -- each frame sends its own request, and (unless you reconfigure your
browser), you can be receiving several of these requests at the same time.  To
share things between these frames at the server end, sessions are definitely the
way to go.

> Cheers
> Ian

Craig McClanahan

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