fellow jspers:

sorry for the off-topic note, but does anyone know of a list like this for EJB
programming?  i'm sure there is one, but in my brief look around the j2ee site i
didn't see it.

thanks in advance,

"Yang, Nan" wrote:

> The Main.jsp is the the entry point for the sample applicaiton. It receives
> HTTP requests, passes them onto GUIController, which in turn calls
> LogicController to invoke EJBs through EStorekeeper. GUIController also
> invokes ScreenManagerImp to manage presentation screens, and invokes
> BeanManager to update local cache beans from EJBs if necessary.
> In the deployment configuration, under DukesPetStoreWebTier aliases,
> Main.jsp is mapped to URLs "/control/*", which means all the requests to
> /control/* will be handled by Main.jsp (actually by GUIController it
> initialized).  You will find that all the URLs in the applicaiton are codes
> as /estore/control/*, which gurantees that they will be handled by Main.jsp.
> The index.html in the applciation is merely providing a link to
> /control/main. The ScreenManager invoked by Main.jsp translates it into the
> physical page "index.jsp", which is the main screen in the sample
> application.
> Hope this help.
> Also has anyone got J2EE sample applications work with Oracle8i (8.1.5)? I
> am having problem with making db connections to oracle.
> Cheers,
> Nan
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mohammad Abed [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Thursday, 4 November 1999 04:01
> Subject: DukePetStore/j2ee question
> This question regards the J2EE APM and the DukePetStore sample application.
> How is Main.jsp is being used? I can not find any reference to it anywhere
> except in the GUIController.java within the comment. Who calls this page? I
> see that the first page is really index.html not Main.jsp.
> Thank you for your help
> Mohammad Abed
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Brian M. Long      RandomWalk Computing, Inc.    [EMAIL PROTECTED]

'Apollo was astonished / Dionysus thought me mad' -Hemispheres, 14:52

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