Who has used jdb successfully with JSPs and servlets (especially servlets!)
using JSWDK?

I felt I came close using

java -debug  nameOfTheClass  (however java -debug threw an IllegalAccess
exception; in fact it always does on anything I try it on.  help?)
jdb -password usingThingThat-debugSpitsOut (java -debug nameofclass spits
out a string your supposed to use with jdb -password)

I got the idea from the following directions obtained from the Servlets
archive.  It relied on sun.servlet.http.HttpServer of servletrunner


Date:         Tue, 6 Oct 1998 20:50:14 +0200
Reply-To:     "A mailing list for discussion about Sun Microsystem's Java
              Servlet." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sender:       "A mailing list for discussion about Sun Microsystem's Java
              Servlet." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
From:         Giacomo Cosenza <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Organization: Sinapsi srl
Subject:      Re: how to debug servlets
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii

I recently wrote an article in Italian on this subject. If you are able to
italian language I could  send you the paper otherwise follow the principle
that "each java application has a class which contains a main() method from
which you start the virtual machine". This is true whatever
web-server/servlet-engine/IDE configuration you use. Personally I hate
VisualStudio but,  mutatis mutandis, you shuold be able to apply in your
devlopment environment the following debugging procedure that works on
servletrunner/jdb configuration:
1) compile your servlet in debug mode (-g option)
2) start in a dos prompt the java debugger (jdb)
3) at jdb prompt load the class corresponding to the servlet you want debug
(e.g >load MyServlet)
4) at jdb prompt run sun.servlet.http.HttpServer class of servletrunner; at
this point jdb become a little java web server (but play attention to the
servletrunner limitations)
5) at jdb prompt insert a break point in one of the servlet method you
implement (e.g. >stop in MyServlet.doGet)
6) from the browser connect to the little java web server running in jbd
7) At this point the servlet execution shuold stop at the break point you
previously set;
8) at  jdb prompt step into the code to be debugged using the usual jdb
(next, stepi, cont).

Good luck



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