The subject line really says it all.  The latest Resin beta now supports JSP 1.1 tag
libraries.  Documentation and examples for the 1.1 tag libraries are still sparse, so
you'll have to rely on the JSP 2.2 spec.

Resin 1.1 beta features:
  * Servlet 2.2
  * JSP 1.1
  * faster than mod_perl and mod_php and 3 times faster than Jakarta
  * "Proxy" caching: "Expires" and "If-Modified-Since" servlet results are cached.
  * Open Source (QPL)
  * Load balancing (Apache only)
  * XSL -- both to create JSP and as a Servlet filter
  * Java and server-side JavaScript allowed for JSP
  * Standalone HTTP/1.1 web server, Apache and IIS configurations

Scott Ferguson
Caucho Technology

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