
I'm new to JSP and I'm having difficulty with the following:
First of all, I can't compile the jsp page because my use of the 'class'
parameter in the useBean tag is incorrect and the getProperty use is also
Could someone point me in the right direction?

Html Login ->
 servlet validation ->
  Jsp page(containing various servlet hyperlink options) ->
   more jsp pages(depending on hyperlink clicked)

Rightly or wrongly I'm putting the id (which comes from the initial login
page) into a session. (through the validation servlet)
<% String l_id = (String)session.getValue("f_id");%>

(As you can guess, I'm new to JSP!)
I want to create a bean something like this, the java class takes the id as
a parameter.

This code is on one of the pages after I click on one of the hyperlink
<%@ page import="Package.className(l_id)" %>
<jsp:useBean id="CFBean" scope="request" class="Package.className(l_id)" />
<jsp:setProperty name="CFBean" property="*" />

The jsp page will contain numerous input boxes which I want to 'fill' by
reading their values from a file as the page is compiled.

if(request.getParameter("f_number1") != null)
 <input type="text" name="f_number1" value=<%=<jsp:getProperty name="CFBean"
property="f_number1" />%;>>


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