Hi Everyone,
I have two, hopefully easily answered questions for you all.
1). JRun
I started off just using the Sun's JSWDK1.0.1 server and have recently tried to convert over to using JRUN, with GREAT difficulty. I am running on a NT Workstation with IIS. I have tried reading all the technical stuff that you get with JRun to get the two working together correctly. But my problem is to know where to put everything. I want to be able to call all my old beans which I had and I have looked in the jsm.properties file and added the paths etc but it still doesn't seem to work, I just keep getting the horrid 500 error in the browser. This leads me to my second question...
2). ErrorPages
How do I get a jsp to call the error page. From reading the document on the Sun website it makes it look as though all you have to do is put:
    <%@ page errorPage="errorpage.jsp" %> // in the page which could have an error, and then,
    <%@ page isErrorPage="true" %> in the error page,
but this doesn't work??? What else has to be done. Also what errors actually get trapped by this error page, is it all the exceptions??
Thanks in advance for the help,

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