
I'm in a fix and would appreciate any input that you
guys can give me. My JSP engine is Weblogic 4.5.1,
running the 1.0 JSP spec. My pages make calls based on
user selections on any given JSP to EJB methods (via
WrappersBeans) which return relevant data to the next
JSP in the application page flow.

A certain JSP displays previously entered demographic
user data in a legacy database, and dynamically
displays this data in a number of form element types.
(radiobutton, listbox, or textfield objects - Exist as

DemographicsTextField] of the DemographicsField class.

I wish to validate the user input in these dynamic
form elements. JSP scriplet expressions do not
evaluate within my Javascript functions.

How can I use Javascript to validate these form
elements, or am I missing something here? Can I
execute my JS function on the server by
'out.print'ling the jscrpt?

I'll  appreciate any help I can get. Thank you.


Iapologise if this has been discussed previously.

-Ade Olumide-
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