
Can anybody suggest me how to make use of the follwing methods. All
these are the methdos are of ResultSet() object. Some of the methods are

absoloute(); afterLast(); beforeFirst(); deleteRow(); getBlo();
getFetchSize(); etc.,

All these methods support JDBC 2.0. The environment I have is JDK1.2.1,
JSDK 2.0, JSWDK 1.0.1

When I try to execute these methods I am getting an error as null in the


However I am able to execute the other methods like wasNull(); etc.

Can anybody help me how to make use of these onjects?

I have tried downloading JDBS 2.0.1 and copied the JDBC 2.0 jar file and

set reference in the classpath, but still then I am unable to execute
the methods.

Kindly help me.

Suresh Kumar

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