Title: JSP vs Applet discussion
In my net-basesd application (heavily on DB record manipulation/display), I use servlet to receive client requests and dispatch requests to various beans for data processing (3 tier and model 2, references -> java.sun.com and www.javaworld.com, www.serverpages.com, www.javadeveloperjournal.com etc).  I think XML is good way to pass data.  Now I am thinking whether to use JSP/HTML or applet in the client side. 
Hi, I include part of a post from another interest list,
maybe you find it interesting or applicable to this thread:
What I like most about DNA and what I think J2EE still lags behind is:
+ IExplorer 5 Dynamic HTML clients with XML Data Islands,
   HTML Data Binding, Remote Data Services and local XSLT support.
  There is nothing in J2EE as powerful as this combination.
  With this technology you can implement a DHTML client with database
   access, data sorting and filtering functions, with about 30 lines of
   HTML/XML/XSLT/JavaScript code.
   We are providing solutions to our clients using JSP and cross-browser DHTML
   and we are severely crippled by not being able to use IE5 non-portable features
   like the ones you can see at
+ ADO 2.1 disconnected recordsets. JDBC looks positively crude compared
 to this. With ADO things such us asynch operations, cancel functionality, conflict
   resolution, HTML/JavaScript/XML integration is by far better than
   J2EE provides... well, actually J2EE does not provide **anything** for
   client-side functionality.
    Javier Borrajo
 The goal is to have the client machine reduce some works from the server and still maintain seperation between data presentation and business logic. It seems both JSP and Applet have it advantage and disvantage.  I would like raise a discussion and have you share your thoughts.  (I appologize for not being JSP specific)
In my humble oppion, I think JSP is cool tool to dynamically generate HTML.  However, JSP does not offer that much interaction with users and not much data validation capability (JAVA script can not do all the works).  Almost all heavy duty works are done in the server. Plus, developers have to worry about some tedious stuffs like client click the BACK or REFRESH button of the browser.  (Theorically, JSP allows java developer and page designer work together because of seperating display and logic.  Personally, I am not optimistic about that. These two groups of people have complete different way of thinking.)  On the other hand, applets give a nice GUI and have better data processing power.  By using URL class, applets can pass back and forth data( XML) to servlet.  (Plus, developer control the all development works.  I don't mean to offend/discriminate designer, simply I can not put two color together.) But applets may be slow or not allowed to run in client browsers. 
All inputs will be appreciated, including correct my grammer and spelling mistakes :-)

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