Title: jsp:include works intermittently in JRun

I am using JRun 2.3.3 build 155 on NT with Apache.

        I am having trouble with the <jsp:include page> tag in my JSP. It was working fine for a couple of days, and then last night it began to work intermittently (bizarre). I'm from the school that these things don't just happen unless you've done something to them, but I swear I didn't touch it.

        What my program does is:

        I have a page where the user can include or exclude certain options and sub options from multiple select boxes on an HTML page. I then submit the lists to my servlet and my servlet parses them out and creates a stub HMTL file in the user's directory. Then the servlet forwards to a jsp page that displays seven drop downs consisting of the stub html file that was just created.

        example stub:


        The servlet parses the information and creates the file just great (and every time). And the HTML stub used to include just great too. But now I either get a chunk of the information on each include or no information at all. What is going on?!?

        example chunk:
        <opt                            <------- include dies here

        Any information on this phenomenon would be greatly appreciated.



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