Is there something similar to jsp:setProperty is the servlet API?  I'm
trying to implement a "Model 2" application.  The "Submit" button on a (jsp
generated) HTML page sends the contents of the form to a servlet, which,
after processing the contents, forwards the request to a JSP page which
displays the results.)  In order to facilitate the processing of the data by
the servlet, I'd like a way to automatically get all the data that was
submitted by the form to be available in a bean, instead of getting each
attribute seperately in the servlet.

If it were a jsp only solution,
<jsp:setProperty name="mybean" property="*" />

at the top of the .jsp would do the trick.

I know about the javax.servlet.http.HttpUtils.parseQueryString() method but
it is not as good as the transparent setting of the data members of the bean
that jsp:setProperty provides.

Thank you.

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