Probally, you'll must modify the bean.

You must do the select ordered by a field (the ID of the table for example), then
you must declare two vars, and save the minium and the maxium value of the query.
So, the links'd be like:
        prev:  same_page.jsp?min=MIN_ID

        next:  same_page.jsp?max=MAX_ID
In the same_page.jsp, if the min parameter is not null then the query'd be: "SELECT
... FROM ... WHERE TABLE_ID<"+request.getParameter("min")"

Ashwani Kalra wrote:

> Hi,
> I am using the bean on jsp page that brings certain no of records from the
> database.I want to show the user only 10 records at a time page wise by
> providing the previous and next link. Can any body tell me how to do that !!
> Thanks
> Ashwani
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