Hi gang,
     I am trying to convert the ASP file to a JSP file. I am getting an empty
parameter name somewhere deep inside my Java classes and it is throwing an
exception. Can you please take a look at both files and tell me whether both of
them are doing the same thing (or) am i missing some functionality in the JSP
page which is giving me this exception. Thank you.
I don't get this error in asp..

One more thing..initially when i access the JSP page i am getting the below
error in weblogic...

"From RFC 2068 Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1:
10.5.1 500 Internal Server Error"

But on the same page when i do a refresh, i get my data perfectly.

btw i am using jsp 1.0 running on WebLogic and/or Jrun 2.3.3. I keep getting the
same error on both the webservers.




Dim objUI
Dim strUI
Dim strValidation
Dim strObj

Response.Expires = 0

strValidation = Session("vpSecurity")

strUI = Request.QueryString("UI")
strFormUI = Request.Form("UI")
if strUI = "" then
  strUI = strFormUI
end if
strObj = "JRP.PageInterface"
' response.write("strValidation=" + strValidation + "<BR>")
' response.write("strUI=" + strUI + "<BR>")
' response.write("strObj=" + strObj + "<BR>")
' response.write("Session(LastUI)=" + Session("LastUI") + "<BR>" )
' response.write("strValidation=" + strValidation + "<BR>" )
If Session("LastUI") <> strUI Then
     If Session("PageInterface") <> "Instantiated" Then
          Set objUI = server.CreateObject(strObj)
          Session("PageInterface") = "Instantiated"
'         response.write("objUI1=" + objUI + "<BR>" )
          Set objUI = Session("LastUIObject")
'         response.write("objUI2=" + objUI)
     End If
     Session("LastUI") = strUI
     Set Session("LastUIObject") = objUI
     Set objUI = Session("LastUIObject")
End If
' response.write("Session(LastUIObject)=" + Session("LastUIObject") + "<BR>" )
iRetVal = objUI.setValidationString(strValidation)

For Each strControl In Request.Form
     iRetVal = objUI.set(strControl, Request.Form(strControl))
'    response.write(strControl + "=" + Request.Form(strControl) +"<BR>")

For Each strControl In Request.QueryString
     iRetVal = objUI.set(strControl, Request.QueryString(strControl))
'    response.write(strControl + "=" + Request.QueryString(strControl) +"<BR>")



sHTML = objUI.toHTML()


' Get the validation string
strValidation = objUI.getValidationString()
Session("vpSecurity") = strValidation


<%@ page import="com.vapower.PPS.*" %>
<%@ page session="true" %>
<%@ page  import ="java.util.Enumeration" %>
<%@ page  import ="java.util.NoSuchElementException" %>


    PPSPageInterface    objUI          =  null ;
    String              sHTML          =  ""   ;
    String              strUI          =  ""   ;
    String              strValidation  =  ""   ;
    String              strObj         =  "PPSPageInterface"   ;

    /* force browser refresh */
    response.setHeader("Expires", "Tues, 01 Jan 1980 00:00:00 GMT");
    response.setContentType("text/html") ;

        strValidation    =  (String)session.getValue("vpSecurity") ;
    catch(NullPointerException exn)
        strValidation = "" ;

    if(strValidation == null)
        strValidation = "" ;

    // get the value associated with the UI parameter name
    strUI            =  getParameter( request , "UI" ) ;

    if(strUI == null)
      strUI="" ;

//    System.err.println("Testing --strUI--" + strUI ) ;

    String   str     =  null ;

        str          =  (String)session.getValue("LastUI") ;
    catch(NullPointerException ex)

        str = "" ;

    if(str == null)
       str = "" ;

    //    System.err.println("Testing --str--" + str + "--strUI--" + strUI  ) ;

    // if both variable values 'LastUI' and 'UI' do not match, then create a new
    if ( ! str.equals(strUI) )
           String  str1 =  null ;

               str1  =  (String)session.getValue("PageInterface") ;
           catch(NullPointerException en)
               str1 = "" ;


           if(str1 == null)
              str1 = "" ;
    //           System.err.println("Testing -->str1" + str1  ) ;

           if ( ! str1.equals("Instantiated") )  // if no instantiation of the
object has ever taken place..then
    //           System.err.println("Testing -->2" ) ;
                objUI  =  new PPSPageInterface() ;
    //           System.err.println("Testing -->3" ) ;
                session.putValue( "PageInterface" , "Instantiated" ) ;

    //           System.err.println("Testing -->4" ) ;
                objUI  =  (PPSPageInterface)session.getValue("LastUIObject")  ;

           objUI.setPage(strUI) ;
           session.putValue("LastUI", strUI) ;
           session.putValue("LastUIObject" , objUI ) ;
        objUI  =  (PPSPageInterface)session.getValue("LastUIObject") ;
        objUI.setPage(strUI) ;

//    System.err.println("Testing -->strValidation" + strValidation  ) ;
    objUI.setValidationString(strValidation) ;

    Enumeration  enum    =  request.getParameterNames() ;
    int          iRetVal =  -1  ;
    String       nameStr =  null ;

        nameStr  =  (String) enum.nextElement() ;

        iRetVal  =  objUI.set( nameStr , getParameter(request, nameStr) ) ;

    objUI.process() ;

    sHTML  =  objUI.toHTML() ;

    out.println(sHTML) ;
    out.flush() ;
//    out.close() ;

    // Get the validation string
    strValidation  =  objUI.getValidationString() ;

    if(strValidation == null)
       strValidation="" ;

    session.putValue("vpSecurity" , strValidation ) ;



   // global method declaration
   public String getParameter( HttpServletRequest req, String param )
    String value  =  null ;
    String values[]  =  req.getParameterValues(param) ;

    if (values != null)
      value  =  values[0] ;
      if (value != null)
         value = value.trim() ;
    return value ;
    return req.getParameter(param) ;


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