I have set up a mailing list specially for people who are using JSPs and Servlets to 
create WAP content, are
interested in using JSP and Servlets to write WAP applications, and hearing about & 
discussing other people's
experiences and knowledge.

WAP is in the news a lot right now, and I know some of you out there are interested in 
finding out more in this
specific area.

The mailing list address is [EMAIL PROTECTED]

This list will be pretty informal till we see just how much interest there is.

For now, if you wish to subscribe, just send me an email (to [EMAIL PROTECTED]) 
from the email address you wish
to be subscribed under with '[EMAIL PROTECTED] subscribe' in the 

Thanks !

- Danny

Danny Coward
Servlet Specification & Web Java
Java Software Group, Sun Microsystems

To unsubscribe: mailto [EMAIL PROTECTED] with body: "signoff JSP-INTEREST".
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