
Your error message does look like a classpath problem, but there are a
couple of other things you need to make sure you have done that aren't
mentioned in the readme. You said you were a newbee and some of these
things can shot a newbee in the foot. Anyway, they all shot me.

I assume that you have read the readme, so that you started the JSWDK up
with startserver or startserver.bat depending on whether you were on UNIX
or Windows. If you are on a Windows machine and didn't get the "Out of
Environment Space" error message, then the initial environment is OK. If
not look at the read me and follow it's directions for MS-DOS window

One of the things the readme assumes and doesn't mention is that you must
be connected to the net for startserver or startserver.bat to work properly
(the real point is that you need an IP address). You probably are since you
didn't mention the error messages that you would have gotten. However,
again assuming Windows, 95 and 98 do not automatically come net connected.
NT may or may not, depending on how it's set up. Given that you are using
JSWDK, which isn't something one would use in a commercial environment, you
are probably connected to the net through your ISP, probably through a dial
up. Anyway you need to connect somehow, especially if your IP address is
dynamically assigned (because that's how you get your IP address). This is
true even though you are only using "localhost" and theoretically aren't
going anywhere outside your own machine. A net connection with the IP needs
to be established when you do startserver or it doesn't know how to find
localhost, because it doesn't know it's IP.

Now assuming that you've gotten this far, one more shoot your self in the
foot possibility which is assumed and isn't documented is that your browser
must be configured to accept cookies. That is the default for both Internet
Explorer and Netscape, but both allow you to "Disable all cookies", which
you may have done. To allow cookies, in Netscape click on Preferences under
the Edit pull down and then negotiate to the Advanced section. If you want
to watch how cookies are used under the covers by JSWDK (and most servers
for that matter) click on the radio button for "Warn me before accepting a
cookie), otherwise click on the radio button  for "Accept only cookies from
the originating server". I don't have IE in front of me at the moment, but
the process is similar (I think it uses Options instead of Preferences, but
look around on the pull-downs and sub-menus and you should find it). Do NOT
click on "Accept all cookies" for security reasons.

hope this helps,


Ritesh Sinha wrote:
> Thanks for your replies. But i have checked class paths. The locations of
> the webserver.jar, tools.jar, rt.jat etc are correctly specified. I guess
> the problem is due to Initialization on the DefaultServlet as the command
> prompt window shows. The startup file is not able to initialize the
> DefaultServlet.
> So the problem still persists and i will be grateful for any further help.
> Ritesh
> "Ugaas, Ahmed" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> on 02/15/2000 12:10:58 AM
> To:   Sinha Ritesh-SWD-ITIL-UB/Itilmail, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> cc:
> Set your classpath properly. read the readme file which comes with JSWK
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ritesh Sinha [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Monday, February 14, 2000 7:50 AM
> HI All,
> I am facing this peculiar problem. After Installing JSWDK on one of the
> machines I am not able to browse the URL http://localhost:8080/  to see the
> default readme.
> It shpows following error:
> ------------------------------------
> Error: 500
> Internal Servlet Error:
> java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: javax.servlet.ServletContext: method
> getResource(Ljava/lang/String;)Ljava/net/URL; not found
>      at com.sun.web.core.DefaultServlet.doGet(DefaultServlet.java:54)
>      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:499)
>      at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(HttpServlet.java:588)
>      at
> com.sun.web.core.ServletWrapper.handleRequest(ServletWrapper.java:155)
>      at com.sun.web.core.Context.handleRequest(Context.java:414)
>      at
> com.sun.web.server.ConnectionHandler.run(ConnectionHandler.java:139)
> ----------------------
> I am a newcomer to JAVA as well as JSP and JSWDK. So may be I am doing
> something silly .
> Please help,
> Thanks for your time,
> Ritesh
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