Title: re: My boss needs convincing..
Just because a page has a particular extension doesnt mean it implements that particular technology. The extension of a page has absolutely nothing to do with the technology used to generate it - its just the default extension for that technology.
There is nothing stopping me from mapping my java server pages to an extension of .whateverpage
I have seen posts on this forum (I think from Craig) where java server pages are mapped to a .go extension
eg login.go

 -----Original Message-----
From: A mailing list about Java Server Pages specification and reference [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Bobby Kaushal
Sent: Tuesday, 7 March 2000 3:09
Subject: Re: My boss needs convincing..

Someone wrote as a reply that pages with the extenision .jsp is not necessarily a java server page, it's just a dynamically created page, all i have to say is: Whaaaat?

Of course it's a java server page,  active server pages have the extension .asp and java server pages has .jsp as an extension..... Duh!!!

And for what the initial email that the above reader responded to, there is no reason in this universe that anyone would want to use cgi instead of JSPs.  CGI is the worst technology that the internet was ever corrupted with.  It's so slow, it's the reason why E-Commerce sites looses a lot of business when customers click on the Submit button and they have to wait an hour before the transaction has completed, so they the users/clients just leave out of impatience.

Also cgi is hacker prone.  I read on the Techweb site that a hacker can easily retrieve credit card information and so on on a web site that uses CGI.  Secondly it's so damn slow, thirdly, if you are part of an E-Commerce company or Consulting Firm, then if you tell you clients that you still use CGI, hehe,  then you can kiss them goodbye soon.

Bobby Kaushal
Programmer Analyst

Webmaster Rule Number One
When a potential employer/client asks you if you've ever worked with XYZ software running on platform ABC, say "yes" quickly and with great assurance. Then run home, fire up the Net, and figure out what the hell they were talking about.

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