Glenn Nielsen wrote:

> I am currently researching JSP in the hopes of pushing out to 100's of
> web publishers (non programmers) the ability to generate dynamic content
> using a web publishing tool like Web Sphere Studio without having to
> write any Java code (scriptlets) in their JSP. So that they can just
> drag beans into the JSP Editor and set their properties.
> But we have not found a way yet to pass an object from one bean to
> another.  For example, say they use one bean that performs a query
> of a database to generate a Vector containing a result set.  And
> need to pass that Vector object on to another bean that formats the
> result set into an HTML table.
> We could package everything into one bean, but then that defeats
> the component nature of using beans.

You might consider creating custom tags (JSP 1.1) rather than beans for cases where
you need cross-bean access.  Such tags have access to the JSP page context, and can
therefore create and/or reference beans in any of the available scopes.

> Any ideas?
> Regards,
> Glenn

Craig McClanahan

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