I'm trying to access ServletContext attribute that is referenced Foo
object from jsp page, by using jsp scriplet's implicit object
    such as
           Foo f =(Foo)application.getAttribute("fooObject");
That caused error 500, saying that Foo class can't be accesed from
generated jsp servlet class.
Any suggestions as to why this does not work???
 Do I have to specify some special mapping in my application descriptor
(web.xml) ?
Sorry ,I forgot to mention that I'm using tomcat as jsp engine. And this
is application scenario that I setup:

I setup context for my Test web application in server.xml as
      <Context path="/Test" docBase="Test"
           defaultSessionTimeOut="30" isWARExpanded="true"
           isWARValidated="false" isInvokerEnabled="true"

My application descriptor (web.xml) contain the following:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="ISO-8859-1"?>

<!DOCTYPE web-app
    PUBLIC "-//Sun Microsystems, Inc.//DTD Web Application 2.2//EN"



TestSevlet is simple servlet that instantiate Foo object in its init
method and adding it to the ServletContext by using:
       Foo f = new Foo();
      getServletContext().setAttribute("fooObject", f);

and in its doGet() method forwarding request to one of two jsp pages,
based on some flag.

Second jsp page contain the following fragment in scriplet code :
             Foo f =(Foo)application.getAttribute("fooObject");
which caused 500 error, saying that Foo class can't be accesed from
generated jsp servlet class.

Any suggestions as to why this does not work???

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