I have a series of JSPs, and servlets which refer to beans. Ideally I would
like to refer to these beans with constant names - both in the Java code of
the servlets and in the JSPs.

So I have an Interface with several constants defined

e.g public static final string BEAN_NAME = "myBean";

In the servlets, I implement the interface, and can refer to the constants
to put/get the beans into the session

e.g. session.putValue(BEAN_NAME, beanInstance);

I would like my JSPs import the interface, and refer to the same constant
value in the jsp:useBean tag. However the compiler (IBM VAJava/Websphere
Test Environment) complains about the name I use, saying that it needs to be
in quotes.

Is this peculiar to this environment, or would I find this with other
implementations. This seems like a really silly restriction - unless someone
can eductae me as to why such a restriction would eb put in place ?

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