
Scott Ferguson wrote:

> I don't normally like responding to the vendor comparison messages because it doesn't
> really seem to be appropriate to the list and has the potential to turn into a
> useless vendor war.

I couldn't agree more. Some people are always very fast to answer that "our solution 
is the best" to every vendor
comparison message, but you have always done the right thing and stayed out of it. You 
set a great example for all of us.

> > Our own internal testing shows that the latest version of Orion is faster than all
> > other JSP engines, including Resin. (Could this be why they're not including Orion
> > in their latest test?)
> :-)  No, I haven't re-tested the servlet engines because of time constraints.  If you
> notice, the Resin version in the servlet engine comparison is also an old one.

Yeah, I know all about time constraints :)

Oh yes, I never meant to imply that the Orion version was older than the Resin one, 
sorry if it came across that way. I
just meant that alot had happened with Orion since then.

> So, indeed, Orion's Hello World JSP significantly beats Resin's.  Great job from the
> Orion team!

Thank you very much

> > But please, don't just look at the vendors' own tests. Do your own tests and see
> > what you find. Don't just trust the vendors.
> Agreed.  Most importantly, you need to test your actual application.

Definately, if your application is compliant with the standards you can actually wait 
with the decision of deployment
server until your application is written, so you have every possibility to test your 
actual application.

> Also, after a certain point, the servlet engine performance really doesn't matter.
> You'll be stuck with database overhead or your own code.

Yeah, we have been focusing on performance for the data layer (CMP Entity beans) for a 
long time, and it would be far
more interesting to see how a full J2EE app performed (with JSPs, Taglibs, Servlets 
and EJBs).

Karl Avedal

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