Talking about web apps and state-machine I have some questions:

* What are we actually talking about?
In my understanding, we're talking about web applications that have a model
stored in the session which "is" a finite state machine, and
Always in my understanding, and this is how the things should work:
- the View sends an Action to the Model
- the Model decides, based on its actual state and the Action  its next state
- the next View page displays the informations about the actual state of the

* Doesn't the Back Button causes this architecture to fail?
I think the only way you have to let it work is to store in the URL (which means
in the Actions) all of the parameters that are necessary to reconstruct the
state of the Model every time a page is submitted... but it seems to me not a
very good state machine...

* If I have misunderstood something, may somebody please correct me?
* And anyway, what are the you people out there doing with your web apps, when
you have such a complex state that is not "storable" in the URL to prevent the
errors caused by the back button?

  Thanks in advance, I hope to have been clear enough :-) ...

BRAIN Development GmbH
Andrea Vicentini
System Engineer e-Business

Phone:    +49 (7151) / 602-332
Fax:      +49 (7151) / 602-372
Internet: http://www.brainag.com
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