Hi all,

I want to declare a function that prints out some HTML, something like:

--------- begin(index.jsp)
public void printSimpleHeader()

<img src=<%= imageurl("simpleheader.gif") %> >
<!-- I actually have more HTML here, elided for sake of brevity -->


<% printSimpleHeader(); %>
--------- end(index.jsp)

This doesn't work, the function ends up declared as empty and the HTML ends
up where the function is declared:

<img src="/images/simpleheader.gif">

I obviously have not wrapped my head around <% vs <%!. It seems that
all of the declarative (<%!) content is collected in one buffer, and the
rest is collected in another buffer. Is there a way for we to get the HTML
into the declarative buffer, and have it changed to java code?
Am I trying to do something that can't be done? I realize I could use
out.println, taglib, or XSL but I really don't want to do that.



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