Hello all,

I have some questions about some design ideas regarding a particular type of
app that I have never tried to construct before so thought I would post them
here as there are a number of very intelligent application designers with
lots of experience integrating a number of technologies to come up with a
solution to a particular problem

What I am trying to construct is a system which analyzes and combines data
from a number of locations. . . .databases, flat files, etc.  My questions
are in regards to a small subset of this total application, which is,
specifically, a set of real time data that needs to be displayed to a few
hundred users on a constant basis in a web page (probably using an applet).
My problem comes with how I can get this data from the source to the applet
utilizing minimal system resources (database connections, network traffic).

The system configuration is something like the following

3 basic machines
        1. Application Server (orion)
        2. Data Wherehouse (data stored in memory for 30 minutes prior to
writing to the db)
        3. Database (Which requires a custom wrapper due to lack of jdbc
support. . .legacy system)

Ok, basically there are approximately 70 - 100 different reports that are
stored in memory on the second system.  These reports are each updated every
second with new data.  I wrote a tiny application which takes the data in
intervals (determined by an argument) from a single report, and performs an
action with the data (writes to a file, writes to a database, posts to a
jsp, etc).  I can run 70 to 100 of these applications (with different
arguments) to transfer real time data between System 2 and System 1 (we are
going to ignore system 3 because that data is historical and I have already
written a fairly complete model 2 application to handle this reporting).
So, now I figure I can get the data from System 2 to the Application server
and do something with it (maybe use HypersonicSQL or some other "memory"
database to hold the data and allow each applet to connect to the "in
memory" data store and update the displayed information?)

The failure rate of 70 to 100 small applications would seem to be rather
high, so I am trying to figure out how to load and unload these applications
on demand so that when a new report becomes available, I can simply pass a
new set of arguments to the application which would begin running with the
others, and applications would be unloaded after 24 hours so that any
reports no longer used are removed (sort of).

Hopefully I have made a little sense here and someone can give me some
pointers about how to model this app.  I have no idea where to begin
(specifically in regards to the dynamic loading and unloading of these
applications).  Each of these reports is viewed around the clock by as much
as a 500 - 1000 people so minimization of resources is crucial (if I had
each of these reports spawn its own little application, I think my LAN guys
would hang me) :)

Thanks for any ideas any of you can provide.


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