
I got the answer to my trouble with Servlets that connect to *EVIL*
Oracle8i databases. The question why they don't wanna work using
Oracle JDBC drivers but they do with JDBC-ODBC driver is the

I am using Resin Web Server, which runs over JDK 1.2 environment.
My version of Oracle8i is which internally works on JRE
1.1.7 (JDK 1.1 compatible).
When I try to connect the servlet to the database (of course it's
done by means of my web server), I have two choices:

1. Use jdbc\lib\classes111.zip . This zip file contains the db
classes that come with Oracle8i. These classes are JDK 1.1 compliant.
So the system is able to load the driver into memory (a Class.forName
() opperation) but the server can't handle jdbc requests.

2. Use classes12.zip . This is the zip file containing the db classes
to work with JDK 1.2 . So the system loads the driver, connect
succesfully to the database, but when it asks to the database for a
result, the database can't handle jdbc requests.

1. Use JDBC-ODBC drivers. It's platform-dependent (works only over
Windows) and is coming obsolete, but ***IT WORKS***
2. Use another web server that is JDK 1.1 compliant (e.g. Apache Web
Server + Apache JServ works over JDK 1.1.8) and use classes111.zip .
Apache is powerful and the most used web server, but setup is awful,
because it uses its own directives.
3. Download Oracle8i 8.1.6, which is JDK 1.2 compliant, and use

I hope it can be useful for somebody.


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