ΝαΝα wrote:
> Hello everyone:
>     I am a newer. Now I have a question, I know how to invoke jsp from servlet.
> but I have a exiting servlet , I want to invoke servlet in jsp file.
>     I dont know how to invoke servlet in jsp, who know? who can help me?
> Thanks in advance!!!

You can use the <jsp:forward> and <jsp:include> actions in a JSP page
to invoke a servlet, or you can redirect to a servlet using the
response.sendRedirect() method. The action elements are usually preferred
because they result in a local call within the servlet container, while
a redirect goes back to the browser, which then makes a new request to
the servlet.

I suggest you read the JSP 1.1 specification (and the Servlet 2.2 spec) to
learn more about what you can do:


There's also a link to Sun's JSP tutorial at the above page.

Hans Bergsten           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Gefion Software         http://www.gefionsoftware.com

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