I'm trying to write a method which returns an array of Hashtables, and in
the method, I am assembling the data as a vector, and trying to user
"toArray()" to return the data as an array.
Something like this:
private Hashtable[] getStuff() {
Vector stuff = new Vector();
Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();
ht.put("A", "Stuff A");
ht.put("B", "Stuff B");
stuff.add(0, ht);
return (Hashtable[]) stuff.toArray();
This compiles great, but when I execute the line:
Hashtable[] test = getStuff();
I get a java.lang.ClassCastException. The only way I have been able to get
this to work, is to have the function return "Object[]", and explicitly cast
the returned object everytime I reference it, but I would like to make the
function simply return an array of Hashtable objects.
Any ideas on why the code above doesn't work, or how I can get it to work?
Scott Costa
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